Staying fit and sharp gives you a huge advantage for survival. You are less like to get injured, and if you do, often quicker to recover.
Look at any animal living on earth today. Injure it and see how well it survives. Will it be able to find food. Make it to water. Can it recover and heal before the predators find it? It will be no different for you and your crew in a post SHTF event. Your ability to recover from injury while staying hidden until you are strong again could be what determines if you live.
Photo: davide ragusa @davideragusa
Consider you have a herniated disc in your lower back., Debilitating pain, nerve compression. You can’t walk, stand, sit. You can hardly make it from bed to the bathroom. In the present time, you go to the hospital, see a doctor. You get MRI and CT scans. You consult with surgeons, pharmacists, and other specialists. An aggressive plan of steroid injects and still no result. Looks like back surgery. Recovery rates are high. All the while you are comfy at home with the family looking after you. Still an extra strain for others for sure, but at least you are receiving care and getting better.
Now imaging the exact same problem in a world post SHTF event. There are no hospitals. No MRI machines. No power. The pharmacies have long since been raided, looted, emptied. Doctors and other medically trained professionals are highly sought after. You managed to set you and your family up pretty good. Having anticipated this type of world. You had understood that people in your family are prone to back problems, degenerative disc disease. You pre-stocked drugs. Building a small pharmacy for your needs. But still, there is wood to chop and haul. Meals to cook. traps to check. The work of survival goes on, but with out you…more for others to do. Also a danger. As now there is less patrolling. We are more vulnerable to attack. One less person hunting, foraging, working, guarding, protecting.
Photo: KAL VISUALS @kalvisuals
Good health is vital. When we are fit, strong, properly feed and well nourished we do better in general. When we are faster, stronger, and smarter, we become more resilient to damage. We are harder to kill. A strong, health person who is injured will often recover quicker.
Being prepared doesn’t just mean having shotguns, cool knives, canned food and med kits. Being prepared starts with looking after your health. Mind, body, soul. Know your health risks. Stay up to date on new treatments for your known problems. Change your diet, exercise., stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking. Train you body. Develop your breathing. Keep your mind sharp, play games, do puzzles, practice math, learn other languages.
Northern Survivalist