Photo: Alina Grubnyak @alinnnaaaa
What is a survival network and why do you need one?
A survival network is a group of people that you know. They are most likely people in your neighbourhood or area of operations post-SHTF. A good network adds members that when working together, make everyone stronger, thus increasing your odds of survival. I detail below a list of people that I have in my survival network and why.
Health Care Professionals
Let’s face it, doctors, nurses, and dentists are survival network assets. Especially if they have a survival / prepper mind-set. They will have the knowledge to solve medical problems. The will have the knowledge of how to get the most out of medical supplies. They will save lives, no doubt about it. Adding these people to your network is something you want.
First Responders
First responders…police, paramedics, firefighters. These people have unique skills well suited to chaotic moments. They work in high pressure environments and are trained to handle stress. This is in addition to their unique career skills. Paramedics have advanced life saving skills, and a vast knowledge of trauma medicine. So do firefighters. In addition, firefighters understand different chemical agents and how they work together to create toxic results. Police are trained in the use of force, deadly force if needed. They are also good at conflict resolution, and keeping their cool in hairy situations.
Active and Retired Military
Military trained people are a huge asset to any network. My priority would be on individuals that have combat arms trade experience, especially infantry, marines, special forces. You want to have these people on your team. They are force multipliers. Some of their skills may include: weapons training, gunsmithing, TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care), recon, escape and evasion, logistics, hand to hand combat, knife skills, navigation skills, and so much more. Get to know the military veterans and active members of your community. They are also usually patriotic good people who actually give a fuck.
Hunters have firearms and other weapons. They also have ammunition. They know how to use their weapons, and many are excellent marksmen and women. They also know the land, and where to find food in it. They could have knowledge about how to clean and process wild meat. They may have many other useful skills associated with their hobby such as: ammunition loading, gunsmithing, navigation, bushcraft, survival skills, how to track, and how to conceal themselves from sight. I could thing of a number of people who I know who hunt. You should get to know these people too.
Farmers know how and when to grow plants that produce food. They also understand livestock and their special needs. Famers will also most likely have well laid supplies, needing to be somewhat self-reliant and self-sufficient by virtue of their trade. Famers are handymen, they know how to fix things. They may also be keeper of seed. I would include these people for no other reason than it is good to know where your food comes from. Get to know some farmers for now and for future days.
Trades People
Trades people….there are many different trades. Consider builders, gunsmiths, blacksmiths, cooks, butchers, tailors, machinists, mechanics, electricians, Veterinarians, stone masons, carpenters…Trades people can add to any survival network with their knowledge, experience and tools that they bring to problems any groupe might face following SHTF.
What are your thoughts? Leave a comment and let me know what you think about your own survival network.
Northern Survivalist