A survivalist is someone who takes action in the present to ensure their survival in the future. They do this by making the most of the resources that they have. Survivalists have a diverse knowledge base and a wide array of skills suited to self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and self-preservation. They are community oriented or isolationist, at times both. They can be hard to kill.
Bushcraft and fieldcraft, rural and urban. Forest or city.
A survivalist has extensive knowledge about their territory. They know where to find food, water, and other resources. And they are comfortable there in any season, day or night.
Many survivalists posses analogue trade skills. Gunsmithing, blacksmithing, tanning, horticulture, butchery, animal husbandry, advanced medical training, mechanics, tracker, to name a few.
photo: alexey turenkov @2renkov
The will have spent time developing a local network of like-mind individuals; one that compliments each others strengths, eliminating weakness.
Part of their self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and self-preservation includes financial security. They will often be earning income through multiple revenue streams. They are invested, and debt free. They live within their means. Financial independence is essential.
Physical conditioning is a daily practice for survivalists. They work everyday to maintain and grow their strength, endurance, stamina, and mobility. They take their health seriously. Their teeth and vision are maintained. They are conscious of their diet. Personal health is paramount.
Survivalists take a keen interest in sharing their knowledge, especially with their children and community. As parents, survivalists take an active role in the education and development of their children. They are devout parents and strong community members.
Threat assessment and analysis of their environments is vigilant and on-going. They are aware of the local, regional, and global affairs that affect them. It is this process that informs their decisions for which they prepare.
Survivalists are trained and educated, self educated, and mentored. Learning is life long.
The Northern Survivalist