Photo: Li Yang @ly0ns
Why do we want to survive, to live? I have asked myself that question and I can not truely answer it. I know it to be the right course as I know how to breath, or to love , care for and teach my children. I guess at one level it is the thing that keeps us from killing ourselves or fearful of death. Somehow it is connected.
Survive also means: to be the one that beat the odds, the ones that made it. I sometimes see myself looking at people and asking myself which one are they? Do they all truly have the will to survive? Do they know their odds of surviving?
Additional to having skills, good physical health, strength, well laid supplies and locations, and a network, survivors need to have a strong will to survive, a will that goes beyond stuff and things.
Ultimately this comes down to the individual and their character attributes. It is the same thing that elite special forces screen for. An individual with a strong will to survive will posses Tenacity, Adaptability, Work Ethic, Creativity, Positivity, Acceptance, Humour, Bravery, and Motivation.
We will explore each of these character traits and how they relate to survival in this 10 part series….The Will to Survive.
The Northern Survivalist