The state has access to everything you.
The cellular phone so many carry….that gps that constantly logs your position and activities. “Log in to your account” Your phone like you, has a unique signature, an ip. Associations, spending, earning, your personal schedule, contacts, habits, routes, time by location, everything. Kids can’t wait to get their own. Everything you do is known. You become a data point. AI has sorted you. You are searchable, hackable. Data doesn’t die.
Developed nations (G7-G-20) have their citizens hooked on devices & data or are in the process of doing so as they develop. Massive populations have surrendered themselves.
Data for everyone in the nation offers the controllers of that data to wield massive influence. Who rights the news you read?
Big Brother is watching. Constant surveillance.
George Orwell was right when he wrote 1984. He just had the wrong system. Capitalism delivered this, not communism.
We pay them for it.
What are you surrendering in return for app convenience and a phone everywhere you go?
Northern Survivalist
Cover Photo: Igor @vulkiye