The history of people on earth is one of migration. It is how we moved out and occupied the hospitable parts of our planet. Many events caused these migrations…unstable or unsupportive environments, droughts, war, famine, pandemics…sounds familiar to the problems we face today and will face in the future.

I was camping recently with my family and some friends from out of town. Nothing crazy, drive in front-country camping. Pretty easy aside from all the stuff you end of bringing. Sitting in my lawn chair poking the fire, I looked around me at the other campers and listened to them. I was imagining a refugee camp or a camp of people forced from their homes, from the cities. Add to this the idea of hard, dangerous uncertain times. What would the ambiance be? People grouping together, large family units, loners, small camps within the camp? Water, food, sanitation, how would that be working? What level of security would there be? Who would supply it? What would they like in return? What is it they are keeping you secure from?

Like always, some people would be doing better than others. Some would have more, others less. There would be leaders, and followers, strong and weak. I was seeing who would be doing better. People with some camping supplies, and knowledge of what they are doing, or at least having done it before. Some people would be able to start fires, find food, maybe trap, hunt or fish. Others might be willing to supply services in exchange for food or goods, or security.

I would imagine that most of the people there would not know much about their new world. So many people have no idea of what life in the wilderness could and can be like. Summer and winter are both with challenges.

My point is most people have no idea how to live without the modern consumer world. Yet this could very much be the major victim of our collective course.

The Northern Survivalist

Cover Photo: Hari Nandakumar @hariprasad000


