Photo : Issy Bailey @bailey_i
Learn how to fight before you need to.
Fight in the physical way. Fight in the mental way. Fight with others, against others. Develop a body for combat, a mind for combat. Skills. Practice them. Regularly.
Fight with your wits, with your fists and feet, elbows, knees, and head. Learn how to defend against this type of attack.
Learn weapons; knife, pistol, rifle, shotgun, bow, crossbow, dagger, hatchet, machete, spear, hammer, stick. Learn how to defend against these attacks.
Learn about machine guns if you can. How they are deployed, offensively and defensively. Again, learn how to defend against these weapons. (Don’t think a general knowledge of this could be useful? Ask that of the Ukrainians)
Train and fight with others to achieve the same goals; be it defence or offence. Study small group tactics, fire-teams, groups of eight-twelve people, groups of twelve. Strategy, coordination, communication.
Fight with your mind. Lay well thought out plans. Use the terrain you occupy to your advantage. Dig in, watch the approaches, control the access. Pre-sighted. Ensure your supplies, water as best you can. Have a survival mindset, resolved to live, to fight.
Regardless of what disaster awaits us, if you know how to fight, alone and with others in a coordinated way your odds of survival increase. Add to this resources - weapons, ammunition, food, water, medical, shelter, transportation, tech, and in numbers of people you can bring to the fight.
Learn how to fight. Commit to it. Do it. Pick one and start with that. Then add another, another.
Think of joining the militia. Part-time soldier, reservist, National Guard.
Police receive all sorts of useful tactical training. Pistol. I know a few cops. Good guys to know. Maybe think of becoming a member of the police.
Seek out private training contractors. There are many, here is one: Gunsite.
Read about the weapons, tactics, and skills you fight with. Read about others.
Get your gun permit, Get your hunting permit. Buy a gun. Go to the range. Try hunting. Practice. Keep a weapon, ammunition for it, know how to use it, how to store it. Lock it up. Don’t tell everyone you know.
Join and archery club, or start one.
Have a look at competitive shooting. It could be your thing. Perhaps biathlon?
Fighters keep their talents ready, but don’t brag about what they know. Wait until you need it to reveal it, It gives you an advantage.
What ever comes our way, by knowing how to fight, alone and with others, we increase our odds of surviving. Keep fit, train and practice everyday.
Northern Survivalist.
Cover Photo: Hasan Almasi @hasanalmasi