Photo: Dan Burton @dan__burton
Anyone with military experience might be familiar with the expression “train like you fight.” Basically, do the training in all manner in which you expect to experience what you are training for to be gin with.
A good example of this…going to your self defence class and putting on a special outfit to practice the skills, the moves, the tactics. How likely is it that you will be barefoot, on padded flooring, and wearing a Judo gi when you get attacked by someone wanting your possessions?
How likely are you fleeing for your life in you $200 sneakers, compression socks, with a sick i-tunes mix pounding through you i-pods?
When was the last time you heard of someone being attacked by a paper target and they needed to draw, and shoot back before they were overcome?
You get the idea here. Train like you (expect) to fight (of flight).
One thing I love about Krav Maga - no uniform, no pads, no bullshit. Get used to hitting with your bare knuckles. It strengthens your bones, hardens them.
Go for a run in your boots, pants, with a bugout bag on your back. Try it. Great workout. Might open your eyes top a whole new world, reality.
Get away from the shooting bench, the pistol range. Look for dynamic sooting experiences. Practice hiting moving targets. Hunting is a great exercise to explore.
Take your personal preparation, your fitness and endurance training to a new level. Train to a level that is more realistic to scenarios you could be faced with. Doing so will expose weaknesses you didn’t realize. Train like you fight.
Northern Survivalist